All about Jet
Jet is doing so wonderful for a three year old I think. We have our moments and sometimes it seems like all day that he is getting into trouble, but I think that is pretty normal for someone his age. He is a very outgoing loving boy. He loves having Dash to play with. Part of the reason for having Dash was so that Jet would have a playmate. He has been dying to play with him since he was born pretty much. I think they will be good friends. Jet loves to chase Dash and is always trying to be like his brother. Like when I put a BYU shirt on Dash, Jet wants to wear his BYU shirt. Here are some random things we love about Jet.
Loves playing sports
Likes to be mad (furrow his brow and talk mad)
Loves his dog Cody
Favorite foods are 'nola' (granola) bars and yogurt (how I know is that he asks for them all the time)
Wants to be a superhero
Loves to watch Daniel Tiger, Curious George and The Cat in the Hat
Sleeps 11 hours a night and most of the time still naps at least an hour a day (he does not do well without a nap)
Can say prayers (keeps his eyes open looking for things to be thankful for and says he is thankful for Dash or Cody at least 3 times. James like to point to himself multiple times during prayer :) )
Very inquisitive (what is that? What does ____ do? why? why? why?)
Best place for him to be is outside at the playground
Knows most of his letters and numbers.
LOVES Lightening McQueen and Despicable Me (minions)
Has his own opinions about what he wants to wear everyday
Loves birthdays
Loves to sing (can sing 'I love to see the Temple', 'Twinkle, Twinkle', ABC song)
Requests from me to sing 'Roar' by Katy Perry and says 'Here we go' when it comes on the radio.
For the most part is potty trained during the day (an accident here and there, but knows what to do)
Loves the BYU cougars (no influence from mom and dad on that one ;)
Still sucks his thumb when tired or bored (working on weaning off this)
Can remember things like the park where we watched fireworks at 4th of July
Gives hugs and kisses randomly
Side note on potty training:
Potty training started out great, then seemed like we hit a plateau with me still taking him potty every couple hours. I did pullups with him and I think he figured out that he could pee in the pullup like a diaper and wouldn't go pee on his own. Going #2 was easier for him to stop and recognize and he was good at going on the toilet. I finally reached the decision of just going to underwear and he picked up real fast on what happens if he goes in his pants. So next time I do potty training, I think I will just go straight to underwear after the first couple weeks. Potty training was/is definitely not my favorite part of this stage.
Jet is a good kid, he surprises me sometimes with how he can care for others. We are so happy he is growing and developing. I am excited to watch him and his brother play and become good friends.
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