This week we had Jet's 18 month doctor's appointment and have some fun updates on how he is doing. We love being his parents, he is such a sweetheart. He is also pretty tough. When he got his vaccinations he cried while they were being done and for a minute after, but that was it. He is an amazing child! Here are some of his recent growth stats.
Weight: 24 lbs
Height: 32.75 inches
Head: 18.75 inches
He is right in the middle of the pack when it comes to all of his measurements. As the mom, I feel a sense of pride knowing that I have helped him grow and develop and be such a healthy kid. I hope it continues!
Some of the fun things Jet is doing:
getting into everything
pretending he doesn't know what 'no' means
talking (he can say: mama, dada, dog, duck, truck, grandpa, grandma, no, ball, basketball, book, apple, balloon, banana, elmo, and a few others I can't think of)
climbing on everything
plays basketball for half hour a day
likes to dance or walk in circles
laughs at himself randomly
gives the best hugs and kisses
loves dogs and animals
eats just about everything mom and dad eat or give him
sleeps 10-12 hours a night and takes one nap (2 hours) during the day
points and tries to name things
has nearly all his teeth except the back molars (canines are coming in)
loves to be outside and go to the park
sucks his thumb and puts his other hand down his shirt when is tired, upset, or bored
throws everything!
eats with a fork
folds his arms for the prayer
he can spot a ball or balloon from a mile away literally
he LOVES balls, he has called several things balls such as the moon, the at&t symbol, google chrome symbol and pretty much anything circular, his favorite word is definitely 'ball'.
One of the funny things he has done recently is when he starts to play with the lamp on our headboard I always tell him 'no-no'. Now whenever he starts to play with the lamp he says 'no-no'. He probably thinks that is what I call a lamp.
He is a very loving child and I love his cute face. Jet is going to be the best big brother too! We love Jet so much, he has filled a spot in our hearts we didn't know we had!
This video is of Jet at the dog park in Oklahoma.
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