YAY! We all survived the first year :) Jet turned one last Saturday is so much fun these days. We had a visit with the doctor for a well check on Monday and he is doing so well. Here are his stats:
Height: 30.25 in (66th %tile)
Weight: 20.81 lbs (20th%tile)
Head Circumference 18.5 in (68th%tile)
Some of the new things he is doing:
standing alone briefly
taking steps
throwing ball (or anything for that matter)
dances to music (his favorite song is "Never Say Never" by Justin Beiber
has the cheesiest grin
puts his blocks together
plays tug of war with Cody
opens drawers and cabinets
loves his ball pit
loves his tent and tunnel from grandma
waves 'bye-bye'
Has 10 teeth including two top molars coming through
Loves to climb the stairs
We are waiting to hear those first words from him, but I am sure they are coming soon. The picture is of Jet taking some of his first steps.
We had a great time thanks for letting us be apart of it.