Jet is doing so amazingly well, I can't believe he is sooo good. He is now a little over 9 months and he has come a long way in the past month. He has started crawling, and pulls up on furniture and anything else he can get his hands on. We visited the doctor for a very uneventful appointment. Here are the boy's stats:
29 in long- 73%tile
19 lbs- 24 %tile
18 in head circum- 62%tile
Here are some of the other things about him recently-
Has 4 teeth (two bottom and the lateral incisors up top poking through)
Love to shake his head
Razzes his tongue
Pulls up in his crib and anywhere else
Went swimming for his first time, was a bit hesitant at first but near the end enjoyed it
Loves the dog's toys as much as his own
Loves to be chased
Bites (I now pump bottles for him and do formula because of this, drawing blood is no fun)
Loves to be outside
Sleeps 10-11 hours a night and takes 2 naps still during the day
Says baba, mama
Yells, loudly when he is focused on something or just for the heck of it.
He is growing up so fast and we are so happy to be a part of it.
Love you Jet!
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