We are doing so well and loving the fact that summer has arrived in Utah, finally! A few weeks ago we had our family pictures taken. It was so much fun and I love being able to capture our little family and to think how our family pictures will evolve over time. Even with Jet growing and developing, things are always changing. We went to several locations all over Spanish Fork and got some taken here where we live and manage storage units. More pictures can be seen here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150274160736419.379960.674276418&l=88500c512f
Some good news is that James has landed a full time real world job(as I call it) with benefits and everything. I am so proud of him and hope that he enjoys his work. He will be working for a company called Tomax in Salt Lake. He has loaded up the ipod with audiobooks and music to get ready for the commute. He starts at the end of this month.
Jet is doing so awesome and is sooo close to crawling. He gets up on his hands and tip toes doing what I call pushups. Then he gets on all fours and lately he has been inching forward. He says 'ba, ba' and sometimes 'ma, ma' which is so totally cute. He is such a joy and funny too. Last night we were settling down to bed, I was holding him and he was sleepy with his head on my shoulder sucking his thumb. Out of nowhere he pops his head up, looks at me and gives me a big smile and laughs. What a faker :)!
As for me, well I have doing well, trying new recipes, learning how to use photoshop, taking care of everyone, managing things here with work, running, teaching relief society, and loving summer!
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