Cameron is 2 months old and a great baby! During the day he is almost always happy, unless he is hungry or getting tired. He smiles alot and talks too. Even his brothers can get him to smile and coo at them. He is so sweet. I really just savor him because I know they grow up fast and turn into rambunctious 4 year olds too soon. As far as his sleep goes, he is my biggest challenge compared to his brothers. Jet was sleeping long stretches of like 8 hours by 2 months. Dash was down to like 1 feeding a night by 4 months. Cameron goes to bed at like 11 or later and I get up every 2-3 hours until I get up at like 8 or 8:30. He has no long stretches. I just feed him and we fall back asleep. His percentile for weight has gone down since being born, so maybe he still needs to eat every 3 hours. So many times I am tempted to just go to formula and not nurse because it can be such a challenge always wondering if he is getting enough and maybe staying full longer on formula, but I know that my boys have stayed healthy while babies because of my milk so I will keep it up. Here are Cameron's stats from the Doc a couple weeks ago:
Length: 24.5 inches 91st percentile
Weight: 12.5lbs 53rd percentile
Head 15.9 in 60th percentile
Things about Cameron:
On the verge of laughing
Smiles with his whole body
Talks and coos
Loves to try and suck fingers
Takes 3-4 naps a day
Loves to nurse
Loves his brothers
Loves to be sung to
He has 2 dimples!