
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cameron David Hurst's Birthday!

For most of my pregnancy with Cameron, things were smooth without complications.  For a regular visit to my midwife on Tues the 6th of Jan, I had a high blood pressure reading.  They made me go into labor and delivery to get more blood pressure readings and do a non stress test and draw blood, etc. to make sure I wasn't developing pre-eclampsia.  The midwife even told me that I should have my baby that day. I was like, no way, I will avoid induction at all costs.  I wanted him to come on his own.  The doctor told me after all the indicators they checked, that the baby was fine, but to come back Friday for another blood pressure reading and non stress test.  I was a little frustrated because I didn't want to go through all that garbage of testing and worrying about the baby.  I was hoping he would come before the doctors would tell me to be induced.
Wednesday evening, James and I went in to visit with a member of our stake presidency. He released James from his bishopric calling he had been serving for the past 2 years.  A few hours after that, around 10 pm, I started to have cramping and contractions.  I find it interesting how James being released and that evening going into labor. I think God was waiting for the right timing and knew I would need James' help. I went out on a walk with the dog after getting kids to bed. I told James I was having bad cramping and contractions and that if this wasn't labor, it was a bad joke.  Knowing I needed to be to the hospital 4 hours before I delivered to get 2 doses of penicillin for the Strep B I carried, I tried to pace things out in my mind. By 2:30 I told James to call Bishop so he could stay with Jet and Dash while we went to the hospital.  Contractions were like 7 min apart at that point, but I figured things would go a lot faster this time.
We get to the hospital and I am dialated to a 6! yay, so we settle into the labor and delivery room and I continue to labor for a few more hours, they check me again and I am still at a 6, ugh! I walk around, change positions to try to get things going, frustrated that nothing has changed.  Around 5 am, I am at an 8 or 9. My water broke around that time and the midwife gets everything ready to deliver. I really thought after my water breaking he would be out within  minutes.  I stay at an 8 or 9 for nearly 2 more hours!  I don't think my contractions were frequent enough or strong enough to get me to 10 for those hours.  The midwife kept suggesting if we waited a little while longer I could get my 2 doses, but I was like, I don't want to be in labor longer than I have to. She suggests pitocin, but I didn't want it, afraid it would make things be more painful than necessary.  I keep laboring, but no desire to push, and I am like, how long is this going to take.  I keep asking, what can I do (to get things going?)
The midwife suggests laboring on my side, so I turn.  The next couple contracts are hard and strong and I am thinking if things are still stalling, I can't do this more than half hour or much longer.  I asked for something to take the edge off which they gave me. The next contraction, I feel Cameron coming and I say to everyone, 'He is coming!".  His head comes out face up, and his shoulders get stuck in the birth canal.  The midwife calls another nurse to help him get out and she pretty much pulls him out of me. I felt like my insides were all going to come out! Cameron was born at 7:31 a.m on January 8th. He was 5 days early (every pregnant woman's dream, so nice for me!) I think the labor was so long and didn't progress as quickly because of his position and that my contractions weren't frequent or strong enough for a period of time at the end.  I was so glad to have him in my arms and out of my belly.
He was 9lbs 7 oz and 21.5 inches long. He is a sweet sweet baby and I just love his hair!