All about Jet:
Jet is an energetic, strong-willed, big brother. He loves his brother Dash even though sometimes he says he doesn't. It takes a while for him to listen and obey. I think he understands, he is just determined to have his way. He can be very loving towards his brother and others. He loves to play with other kids. The other day he was trying to play football with a group of boys probably ages 9-12 and he just loved being with older kids. He is a natural leader. He loves to tell Dash what to do and gets mad at him if he doesn't do it. He is totally fascinated with transformers and is always asking for a transformer this or that. He is very smart and can read up to 5 letter basic words. He has learned to write his name. I think he is a handsome kid with so much potential and I love seeing him learn and develop. As far as his physical growth he is 40 lbs (80th percentile) and 41 inches tall (63rd percentile).
Dash is an awesome 2 year old and he just couldn't be any cuter. He has this underbite that shows when you ask him to show his teeth that I think is just adorable. He loves to play and climb on things. He follows his big brother around and for the most part stays out of trouble. He loves airplanes, trucks, playing any sport, being chased, and giving hugs and kisses. The first thing I hear in the morning nearly everyday is when he comes into our room and says "I want cereal mommy." He is quick to say sorry and I think he can understand others' feelings well even at his young age. When he gets mad or needs to defend himself, he bites, so watch out! When he pretends to sleep it is the cutest, he even does a fake snore. He brings so much joy and energy to our home, so happy he is here. For his physical growth, Dash is 37in tall (97th percentile), and weighs 28lbs (53rd percentile). I think he may be a basketball player someday :)
Angels when they sleep!