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From this....... |
To this in 18 months! |
It is so crazy how much a child changes in the first 2 years. Dash is his own little person now and is as cute as ever. I have to say from when they can walk to about 2.5 is my favorite stage. They are still innocent and can't really do anything wrong and I can't get mad at them either. I sure love this little boy, he brings me a lot of joy. I love holding him, smooching him, just about anything with him. I realize the baby stage goes quickly and they turn into 3.5 year olds that bring havoc and chaos, but we will leave this post about Dash :) .
Here are Dash's stats at 18 months
24.13 lbs 26 %tile
33.5 inches 83%tile
19.1 inches head circ. 71%tile
Some things we love about Dash:
He can run and walk everywhere, doesn't like to hold your hand
Loves going up and down stairs (preferably by himself)
Can talk! (words like mama, daddy, doggy, ball, water, milk, snack, suckie, uh-oh, pee-pee, a form of motorcycle, baby, car)
Goes to nursery now, yay!
Is harassed by his older brother Jet ALL day long!
Loves dogs, any kind!
Can't get enough of the ipad
Likes to read books
Sleeps 11 hours at night and one nap of 2 hours in the day
Loves to eat
Gives the best hugs and kisses
Shows compassion with a hug or kiss if someone is crying
Loves cars, airplanes, motorcycles, bikes, anything that moves pretty much
Shakes his head 'yes' or 'no' if you ask him a question.
Loves bath time and being naked (tries to take his clothes off himself when you tell him it's bath time)
He has 6 teeth up top including 2 molars and 4 on bottom with a molar coming in.
Can climb out of his crib!
We love our boy Dash and hope he stays sweet and innocent for a long time to come.