One of the things I have noticed him doing is interacting with his stuff bears or dolls. He will ask them if they want milk, if they are tired, if they want to go the park, or go swimming. Usually he just says one word like 'milk?' but inflected like he is asking a question. It is so cute. He also puts his Pooh bear in the swing and pushes him or tries to feed him.
He is starting to put words together like 'bye-bye Cody'. He asks several times a day 'where's Daddy?' or 'Where Daddy go?'
He loves to go outside and I have taken him swimming (which he loves), bike riding and just on walks.
One thing that I hope he grows out of soon is pitching a fit anytime I try to put him in his carseat, the grocery cart, go to change his diaper or take him away from something he wants to do. He will fight, pull hair, arch his back anything but get into the carseat or whatever. He is a strong kid too, we are a pretty good match.
Jet is very smart, I have been impressed with how well he is picking up on new things. We have recently started teaching him to identify different letters of the alphabet. He can recognize 6 or 7 letters right now and sometimes when he sees a letter he knows while reading a book or on tv he will tell us.
We haven't officially started potty training, but we are definitely exposing him to as much of it as possible. We have a little toilet seat for him and before taking a bath we try to get him to go potty because he always goes when he takes a bath. Last night was a miracle, James asked him if he needed to go potty and he said yes so James put him on the potty seat and he went! We praised the heck out of him and gave him a treat. I have tried a couple of times when I notice him grunting like he needs to do #2 but haven't had any success. I still think he is a little young for potty training, so I might wait to hit it hard until he is more ready.
One of the cute things he does is when he does his countdown before jumping off something or whatever instead of counting '1, 2, 3', he can only say the number '2' so his countdown is '2, 2, 2!'
He points and names things all the time, and several times over. If he sees a bike, he will say 'bike, bike, bike, bike'.
He is so social, we haven't enforced the 'no talking to strangers' yet. Wherever we go he tells random people 'hi', 'bye-bye', or will just start jabbering to them.
Sometimes I wonder if Jet thinks he is a dog. He certainly knows how to imitate one. The other day a maintenance person was over to check out our fridge and he came up to him and started sniffing him, just like Cody does to anything and everything. Sometimes he picks up toys with his mouth and shakes them like a dog too. Pretty funny kid.
Anyway, it is so awesome to watch him grow and develop. He certainly surprises us sometimes. We love him to death and I just can't get enough of his cute face.