I love Jet's smile, he uses his whole face and makes his teeth crooked. It is pretty cute and funny. We are doing well just chugging along. Getting ready for Jet's 1st birthday in less than 2 weeks. Can't believe it. Enjoy the picture for now!
This past weekend we went out to Heber to check out all the old planes at the Heber fly-in. It was fun to see some of the old planes that actually flew in combat. We got to step inside a couple of them and got a sneek peak at what it would be like to be flying back then. They had planes taking off and landing all morning and they were doing some exciting tricks too. The most interesting part was talking to a life-flight nurse that works on the emergency helicopters. They have a tough job, barely any room in those helicopters to move let alone try to save a life. We all had a great time, even Cody.
I made Jet some new shoes the other day. I know he will start walking soon and wanted to get him a pair. They are so expensive at the store and soft soled shoes are hard to come by. I used corduroy for the soles and they were so fun to make.