Before Jet was born, I wanted to make all these cute things for him, like a quilt, sling, swaddle blanket, etc. Unfortunately I broke the foot lever on my mom's sewing machine that is on loan to me. The sewing machine is a Pfaff and is probably older than me. So my Dad took it in to get it fixed when he was out here when Jet was born in October. Turns out, it was very difficult to find a part for it and I didn't get it back until like last week, over six months later. Anyway I decided to make Jet's quilt, and I really enjoyed it. I might have a new hobby in the making.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
New Hobby
Before Jet was born, I wanted to make all these cute things for him, like a quilt, sling, swaddle blanket, etc. Unfortunately I broke the foot lever on my mom's sewing machine that is on loan to me. The sewing machine is a Pfaff and is probably older than me. So my Dad took it in to get it fixed when he was out here when Jet was born in October. Turns out, it was very difficult to find a part for it and I didn't get it back until like last week, over six months later. Anyway I decided to make Jet's quilt, and I really enjoyed it. I might have a new hobby in the making.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Wedding Weekend in Oregon
I love having something to look forward to, and David and Whitney's wedding was just that. We had such a great time in Oregon. From what I heard, the 2 days of wedding celebration were the only ones without rain in a long time. I think someone had a hand in that :). The wedding was so beautiful and we loved being around family. Jet met his Grandparents on the Hurst side for the first time, along with his cousins, great grandparents, aunts and uncles. He did pretty well on the trip, but at times I think he was feeling the stress of lots of new faces, sleeping in a different place, and riding in a car more than he usually does, among other things. He did well on the plane, only fussing when he got tired or hungry which is normal anyways. We are so grateful to all of the Hursts that made our trip enjoyable and for the kindness and hospitality that made the trip possible.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Happy Half Birthday Jet!
Jet turned 6 months old on Friday. He is doing so well. Just an update on how he is doing. We went to the doctor today and he is as normal as can be . He has a little thrush in his mouth, but that is it. Here are his stats.
Weight: 17.5 lbs 51%tile
Height: 27.5 in 83%tile
Head Circ: 17.5 in 69%tile
He used to be near the 90th percentile for weight, and I asked the doctor about that, he said it is normal for breastfed babies to be leaner and that he is doing just great. We have started solids (sweet potatoes and rice cereal). I think he enjoys them, but he still prefers nursing over solids. Here are some things about Jet that we love:
He rolls from back to side
He loves being surprised
He can find the tag on any toy and loves to play with it more than the toy itself
Loves to jump in his jumperoo
Grabs at anything and tries to put it in his mouth, even if it is your entire face :)
Does the cutest shy smile
Babbles while sticking his tongue through his lips
Sleeps around 10 hours a night and 3 naps during the day varying in length 45 min-2 hours
Sits up on his own for brief periods
He loves music and gets excited and intense when I play music on the stereo.
No teeth yet
Loves to play with his feet
Getting stronger on his tummy and I foresee him scooting in the near future.
Eats (nurses) 4-5 times a day (one feeding includes sweet potato and another rice cereal)
He has a mommy, daddy, and family that adore him!
Happy Half Birthday!
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