Our dog's name is Cody and he has been a part of our family since December of 2009. I remember seeing the posting for him on line and I thought, what an adorable puppy. I was sold. After talking with the breeder on the phone, James and I drove nearly 2 hours to get him. It was a little bit of an impulse decision, but it was hard to resist such a cute animal. I never knew a dog would be so much work, but as he has gotten older, he is much more easy to handle. When he was a puppy I would wake myself and him up 3 times a night to go potty. Good training for having a kid :). He loves eating socks, of which he has eaten 3 (one he threw up on his own, another we induced vomiting, and the other he was taken to the vet and given medicine to induce vomiting) He still is annoying sometimes, but he is pretty hilarious and offers us unconditional love. The video of him makes me laugh. He takes his bone that he has chewed down pretty well and throws it in the air over and over. He finds a way to entertain himself and us.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Our dog's name is Cody and he has been a part of our family since December of 2009. I remember seeing the posting for him on line and I thought, what an adorable puppy. I was sold. After talking with the breeder on the phone, James and I drove nearly 2 hours to get him. It was a little bit of an impulse decision, but it was hard to resist such a cute animal. I never knew a dog would be so much work, but as he has gotten older, he is much more easy to handle. When he was a puppy I would wake myself and him up 3 times a night to go potty. Good training for having a kid :). He loves eating socks, of which he has eaten 3 (one he threw up on his own, another we induced vomiting, and the other he was taken to the vet and given medicine to induce vomiting) He still is annoying sometimes, but he is pretty hilarious and offers us unconditional love. The video of him makes me laugh. He takes his bone that he has chewed down pretty well and throws it in the air over and over. He finds a way to entertain himself and us.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Doing diffferent things...
Just a couple of pics of the boy. The first, practicing sitting up wearing a shirt from Grandpa Richard. Second, falling asleep while playing and with his feet up, so cute. Next, Jet drinking a bottle, and not only that holding it himself. He probably drinks from a bottle like twice a month, so I am glad that he takes it pretty well when he does. Not only is breastfeeding good for him, it is good for me because there is no clean up or bottles to clean :). The last is a video of him shaking a pill bottle. I think he is intentionally shaking it from what I can tell. He is such a good kid. He is currently working on sitting up and rolling over. That's all for now, enjoy!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A day at the park and airport
When you are a mom for the first time you are excited to do fun things with your new child. I know that even though Jet is only 5 months old and doesn't have any idea what going to the park means, I still wanted to take him. The first of many times at the park. I don't think he really liked the swing or the slide, but someday I think he will love it and he won't want to leave the park when it is time to go. After the park we spent some time at the Spanish Fork airport watching the planes land and take off. It was a nice day and a good break from the winter weather.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Cutest Kid on the Planet
I know everyone thinks their baby is cute, but I just think Jet is soooo adorable I can't stand it. Even when he is upstairs sleeping or awake for that matter I can't get enough of looking at some of his really cute pictures. I smooch him all the time. I love my baby and he is much more than a cute face, but honestly I have yet to see a cuter baby. I have been thinking of getting him into like baby modeling or something to share his cuteness. My dad said any baby product with his face would be flying off the shelves. I wonder if I just think he is cute because he is my kid and looks kinda like James and me.
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